Catroon of Trump at G-7 in Baby Chair

'The Last G7': Satirical cartoon mocking bloc'southward attempt to suppress Mainland china goes viral

Illustration: Bantonglaoatang

Analogy: Bantonglaoatang

A Chinese cartoonist's political satire, which mocked the Group of Vii (G7) members that attempt to suppress Communist china, went viral on Chinese social media on Sunday, when the G7 pinnacle was underway in Cornwall, the Great britain.

Titled The Last G7, the illustration, published by its author "Bantonglaoatang" on Sina Weibo on Saturday, was painted based on the renowned religious mural The Last Supper. This G7 top is widely seen equally an attempt by the United states of america to rally allies confronting China.

Like to the final meal Jesus shared with his apostles before his crucifixion that The Final Supper depicted, Bantonglaoatang painted a vivid pic of nine animals – respectively representing the Usa, the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, Italy, Canada, Nippon, Germany, French republic, Australia and India – sitting effectually a table with a Chinese-map-shaped cake on it. On top of the painting is the words in quote: Through this we tin can still dominion the world.

These animals have different facial expressions and gestures, implying that each side of the G7 actually has its own axe to grind on the mutual conspiracies of suppressing China and upholding the Western hegemony, analyzed some observers and Chinese netizens.

Wearing a bowler hat with an American flag on it, a bald eagle sits in the middle like Jesus in The Last Supper, obviously the convenor of the repast. In front of the bald eagle in that location is a small banknote printing machine and a bill on the table. The automobile is printing toilet newspaper into dollars, and the number on the beak gets bigger and bigger – from $2 trillion to $eight trillion.

There is as well an iron hook under its feet, and 2 pieces of cotton with blood near its easily on the table, suggesting "the US' capital accumulation was congenital on racial oppression," a vlogger nicknamed "precipitous-tongued pumpkin" said in his latest video analyzing the illustration, which has gained over 700,000 views on video streaming platform Bilibili inside a day later on he uploaded it on Sabbatum afternoon.

The baldheaded eagle prototype shows today'southward ambitious nonetheless feeble Usa is trapped in its growing debt crisis and racial conflicts, but withal points fingers at Red china, "sharp-tongued pumpkin" pointed out.

Sitting on the left of the bald hawkeye is a grey wolf, wearing a cap with an Italian flag on information technology. The wolf waves its hands as the apostle Andrew in The Last Supper, as if saying "No" to the US' suggestions of jointly bully down on Red china. The grey wolf image shows Italia, the beginning European country that joined China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), is reluctant to collaborate with the US in suppressing China, commented "abrupt-tongued pumpkin."

Side by side to the wolf is an Akita dog that represents Japan. Without a seat, it is busy serving the others a "drink" – pouring green radioactive water into the glasses of the other animals. On Weibo some users said the green h2o is the contaminated water that Japan plans to release to the Pacific from the destroyed Fukushima nuclear institute.

Sitting next to the dog is a kangaroo, which is stretching its left hand to the banknotes that the US is printing, while grasping a bag in its correct hand. The kangaroo symbolizes the double-faced Australia which actively cooperates with the United states of america in containing China, but is also eager to earn coin from People's republic of china, its largest trading partner, according to "sharp-tongued pumpkin."

On the left corner stands a black hawk, which obviously represents Germany every bit its pose is almost the aforementioned equally that of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel in a widespread photograph in the G7 summit in 2018. Germany, like to the rooster (representing French republic) sitting in silence on the correct side, seems more than interested in its ain European issues and shows less enthusiasm on the US' propaganda, netizens found.

On the right side of the table also sits a lion and a nutria, respectively representing the UK and Canada, both the US' close Five Eyes allies. The nutria, wearing a scarlet glaze with images of marijuana on it, holds a doll in its hand. Many netizens believe the doll represents Huawei's primary financial officeholder Meng Wanzhou, who is still unreasonably detained in Canada.

On the correct corner of the tabular array sits an elephant (representing India) that is on a drip like a patient.

Nether the table there is a frog property banknotes in its hands, trying to jump as high as possible to attain the table and give the money to the U.s.a.. The little frog symbolizes the separatist authority from the isle of Taiwan, which is always subservient to the Usa, some netizens pointed out.

The illustration caused a stir on Weibo on Sunday, with numerous users praising the author for vividly and straightforwardly revealing the evil intentions of the W that tries to lay a siege to China. "Simply this is perhaps their 'last supper,''' i user mocked. "With different positions, for diverse interests of their own, these countries and regions can't form a real league against Mainland china."

Global Times


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